Paris Peace Forum 2023

Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry

For the sixth year in a row, the Paris Peace Forum brought together key players in global governance on November 10-11 at the Palais Brongniart. The aim of the 2023 Forum was to “Seek Common Ground in a World of Rivalry”, against a backdrop of global polarization (most notably between China and the United States) jeopardizing international cooperation on issues vital to humanity – all in an environment marked by the eruption of conflict in the Middle East.

Participated Chhaya Mathur Saint Ramon and Janicka Bassis.


From August 14 to 16th 2023, the 11th INMP conference was held in Uppsala, Sweden. Hosted by Fredens Hus and coordinated by Jesper Magnusson, INMP Executive Board member. Katherine Josten's Global Art Project for Peace is emblematic of such work. A mission which she has pursued for nearly three decades, the project brings together people in 140 countries to exchange artworks for peace.

Liska Blodgett, Janice Bassis, Leva Jamil, Arya Akhoundzadeh and Hedie Hosseini represented Peace Museum Vienna and shared Peace from Vienna

"You Can Be a Peace Hero, Too" is a captivating art installation created by Arya Akhoundzadeh and Hedie Hosseini, two Iranian artists based in Austria. The installation was specifically designed for the 11th International Conference of Museums for Peace, held in Uppsala, Sweden, and consists of two Plexiglas figures which symbolise Peace Heroes of the past and the future.


Celebrating the 175th birthday of Bertha von Suttner

9th June 2018

The life and work of Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) for a world free of war and oppression continues to inspire people today. Her appeal to ‘Lay Down Your Arms!’ has become even more urgent in a world armed with nuclear weapons.
Her vision, efforts, and achievements deserve to be remembered, celebrated, and built upon. The Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute is therefore celebrating the 175th anniversary of her birth. The Hague, the world’s capital city of international peace and justice, and the Peace Palace, are an ideal location for such a programme of events.

Participants in the Bertha von Suttner event in The Hague included Xialei Wu, Jackie Bonasia, Evgenia Lukaschuk, Niels van Tol, Behnaz Monfared, and von Suttner scholars Georg Hamann (Vienna), Verdiana Grossi (Geneva), and Guido Gruenewald (Bonn).


Paris Peace Forum 2019

From 11 to 13 November 2019, the second edition of the Paris Peace Forum was the occasion to celebrate several initiatives of the past such as the 100 years of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the 70 years of the Conventions of Geneva and the 30 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Participated Chhaya Mathur Saint Ramon and Janicka Bassis.

Global Peace Leadership Conference 2014 Seoul, Korea

Global Peace Foundation, October 2, 2014