Current Exhibition
The Demons and Iranian Peace Women Exhibition.
Both Hedieh Hosseini and Arya Akhoundzadeh were born in Iran and began their artistic projects in partnership with each other in 2019. They have collaborated and produced content for different art projects in Vienna since 2021. One amazing example is the remastered demon.
A new exhibition at the Peace Museum Vienna! Come and visit our double exhibition about The Demons and Iranian Peace Women.
P.S. save the date for Tuesday the 6th, to join our Vernissage with the artist @_aryadesign_ , designer of 'the Demons' project!
“Peace Hero Museum Vienna is dedicated to researching and promoting stories of peace activism in Vienna and around the world.”
What is a Peace Museum?
Peace Museum Vienna educates its visitors about peace via the lives of Peace Heroes. A Peace Hero is someone who has shown great courage, selflessness, and has worked very hard towards making the world a better and more peaceful place. We educate and inspire our visitors to work towards Peace in their everyday life by sharing the stories of these heroes. Peace Museum Vienna is also a meeting place for peace enthusiasts and is the perfect source for a respectful, peaceful, and educational conversation.