Robert Sutherland & Mary MacPhee

Zafar Shayan

“Finding Peace in this turbulent world is not a difficult task. Treat everyone with respect and compassion and do your best to make their lives a bit easier. Everyone could one day find themselves in need of help and support and even a small gesture can make a difference. In short – treat everyone as you would wish to be treated in the same situation.” - Robert Sutherland

Canadian couple Robert Sutherland and Mary MacPhee are dairy farmers and philanthropists. They have worked tirelessly for many years to build a successful business from the ground up. They have always valued hard work and have always loved helping people around the world. Robert and Marry have travelled to countries far and wide such as Zambia, Kenya, Myanmar, China and Turkey, making new friends and helping people where they can. The initial contacts were made by Robert’s brother, Stewart Sutherland, who worked for NGOs in Bangladesh, Zambia, and Nepal. 

Education has always been of paramount importance to this family, and they have supported the education of many children in Zambia, China, and Kenya. Robert says, “we are trying to make the world more beautiful for the new generation as much as we can”.

For many years, they supported a widows’ cooperative in rural Kenya, and the money raised there was used to better the lives of the people living in that community. The couple also welcomed families of Syrian refugees to Canada, providing them with financial support through hard times, and teaching English to their children.